MUREX DO series are CLPD class high performance extreme pressure gear oils produced with highly refined mineral oils, a special gear oil additive package and detergent/dispersant additives suitable for the lubrication of highly-stressed industrial gearboxes. It has good dirt removing and overall cleaning performance coupled with its wear protection feature.
Основные характеристики:
Appearence Visual B & C B & C B & C B & C
Density @ 15°C, g/cm3 ASTM D 4052 0,875 0,880 0,888 0,895
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt ASTM D 445 68 100 150 220
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt ASTM D 445 8,7 11,4 15 19,4
Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 99 100 100 100
Flash Point, (COC), °C ASTM D 92 232 236 237 239
Pour Point, °C ASTM D 97 -27 -27 -24 -18
v Outstanding detergent/dispersant properties.
v Very good resistance against micro-pitting.
v Excellent load carrying capability protects gears against scuffing and wear and offers long equipment life and reduced maintenance costs.
v High thermo-oxidative stability helps to resist deposit formation, provides enhanced system cleanliness and enables longer service intervals.
v Provides effective rust and corrosion protection to all gearbox components.
MUREX DO series are suitable for use where detergent/dispersant industrial gear oil is recommended. It can work up to 120°C in the gears by splash, mist and circulating systems when monitored securely.
Meets the Specification
DIN 51517 Part 3 CLPD
DIN 51502
ISO 6743-6
ISO 12925-1 Type CKC, CKD
Packaging and Storage Conditions Should be stored sealed under normal storage conditions. Shelf life in original package and at room temperature is 3 years. Available in 20 LT Pails, 208 LT Drums and 1000 LT IBCs. Human Health and Work Safety Normal safety precautions (i.e. gloves and safety goggles) should be employed when handling. Avoid eye and prolonged skin contact. Wash thoroughly after handling material. For more information please see the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).